
A Cautionary Tale

[:1]A Cautionary Tale

My wife and myself have played Guild Wars just short of six years. The game has provided us with thousands of hours of entertainment. I have made friends from all over the world whom I never would have without this game. We have shared the triumphs of struggle and the agonies of defeat. For that I am grateful.

Through our guild and various alliances we have held Cavalon and HzH. Slain Urgoz countless times. Dominated the Challenge Ladder for years. We won the Hall of Heroes on occassion as well. As a guild we accomplished all aspects of the game with the exception of GvG. As individuals we attained GWAMM status and filled our Hall of Monuments. I personally have achieved five GWAMM's and was on course for the sixth.

However ..................

Last Sunday, my wife was unable to log into her account.

She followed the login instructions to reset her password, and waited the twenty-four hours for a response.

No response was made.

She contacted support via email and was provided assistance to log into her NCSoft master account and change her password.

She followed the instructions this morning, and found that her account had been stripped of her virtual worldly goods.

During the course of looking over her ***** account, we noticed that my account was online.

I immediately attempted to login, and was denied.

I have contacted support for assistance regaining my account, which is most likely in the same pillaged state that my wife�s account was in. I am awaiting a reponse beyond the automated one.

The moral of this story is this ......

I have followed all the rules and taken all the precautions advised by Arena Net and NCSoft. No third party programs. Unique passwords that are not used anywhere else. No real money trades. Our computers are virus and trojan free. My wife doesnt even know my account password.

Based upon what i have read on the forums over the years, i can draw no other conclusion than the one that has been voiced by others. The NCSoft Master account is the only common element I have with those that have had their accout stolen.

Do not think it will not happen to you.

Unfortunately, this latest experience has left me somewhat jaded as to the future. I will not be an active player in Guild Wars anymore. As far as Guild Wars 2, I am undecided as of yet. However, should the NCSoft Master Account be needed to access my Hall of Monuments and bring forward my Guild Wars achievements, I dont believe I will be a participant.

Good Night and Good Luck All

W I C K E D|||Unfortunately, I think a lot of us have to just hope it won't happen to us because we're in the NCSoft trap and can't get out.

I bought my GW directly from the NCSoft store, and it set me up with an NCSoft master account in the process. How is any first-time purchaser of an NCSoft product supposed to know this is dangerous or that there are other options? But, once it's done, it's irrevocable, for reasons beyond mortal comprehension.

The best I can do is follow the rules, as you did, and shudder when I read stories like yours. And hope GW2 will not repeat the same security mistakes.

One of my allies lost everything to a hacker a week or two back, including all his characters. I haven't seen any reports of a new wave of security breaches, but I have to wonder if this is beginning again.

I'm sorry for the losses that you and your wife experienced, and for the betrayal of your trust by NCSoft. I'm also sorry for your GW friends who will lose the pleasure of your company. (I'm glad we were able to talk my ally out of a similar decision.)|||This is definitely one clear advantage Blizzard has. If you get hacked, once you regain control of your account, they'll restore any lost items/characters/stuff.|||Agreed with Zayren, I do hope GW2 will improve on that.

Also, a lot of people who got hacked didn't have a NCSoft account. Whatever data we collected on this site didn't show what the cause was. The idea persists despite no clear evidence supporting it.

What happened to you is sad. But even if you do follow all the good advice, it doesn't mean your account is 100% safe.

Let's hope you can recover well from it though... plenty of good souls like to help out if you need it.|||Even though I had nowhere as much as you guys, I know the feeling. A LOT of people do. However, security has improved a little bit in the last couple of years. For one you can now lock your NCMA to a specific IP, and anyone logging in from somewhere else have to know the answers to some security questions. If you havent already, set this immediately. Also the add of the character name to login helped a lot.

Do you know if they accessed your account using your password, or if they reset it? If it the former, chances are you did have a keylogger on your system after all. It can happen despite the very best security practices. The fact that both your accounts were comprimised makes me think this was the case. If the latter, chances are that they got into your NCMA, since you do not need to know the old password to set a new one. There is not even a confirmation e-mail, just a notification one. Like, yay. Anyways, if I were you (this is actually what I did when I was hacked even though I never found any malware, just to be safe..) I would use a separate computer to reset the passwords and do not type in the password in your gaming computer until after full wipe and reinstall.

As much as I look forward to GW2, I will not accept the low level of security that GW1 has. Static login+password (especially since the password does not allow special characters..) does just not cut it. With the time spent and real-world values ammassed I fully expect online bank-level security. This means optional authenticators for login at the very least.

Also I totally expect that GW2 will not have to be linked to NCMA to get the HoM perks.

To conclude, I feel your pain. At least they didnt delete your characters, so you were more lucky than some.|||Quote:

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This is definitely one clear advantage Blizzard has. If you get hacked, once you regain control of your account, they'll restore any lost items/characters/stuff.

This is true. I have no idea why NCSoft won't do it.|||Sorry to hear that. |||My account got hacked in the Great Hack of 2009, and I have 3 accounts connected to the same account. Only one was hacked.

And why NCSoft won't restore items is because of the way the database is setup. Individual items can't be tracked down. So, hacked items can't be returned to its owner.

One thing they could still do to as extra security is letting you specify which character name must be entered before you can log in. And the only way you can change that is by making a support ticket.|||Quote:

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One thing they could still do to as extra security is letting you specify which character name must be entered before you can log in. And the only way you can change that is by making a support ticket.

That's a great idea. Naming any character on the account isn't at all secure considering the amount of IGN's used to sell stuff via forums - a specific character, who needn't play that often or at all, would be something that only the owner of the account would know.

And WICKED - sorry for your, and your wife's, losses.

-Art|||Problem with that idea is that you would be fubar if you lost connection. The way it is set up the game will select the character you use to log in. If this is not the one you were disconnected on, you will thus not be able to reconnect but instead sent to the character selection screen. That hurts if you are disconnected at the end of a UW run..

