
Wanted - GW1 Nightfall profession suggestions in prep for GW2

[:1]In GW1, the chars I enjoyed playing most were:
  • Monk

  • Mesmer

  • Ritualist

None of these currently seem represented in GW2, so I've created new characters as an Elementalist and Necro to gain experience in GW1. Though I appreciate the transfer of skills isn't exact.

I hope Mesmer appears in GW2, but I've noticed that none of the currently proposed GW2 professions seem to match either of the GW1 Nightfall professions i.e. dervish or paragon.

Is it worth investing time in a new Character in GW1 Nightfall to find out? If so, which GW1 Nightfall professions should I choose?|||Time invested in any class as preparation to GW2 seems wasted for pretty much any class since most of them are fundamentally different, except of course the Ranger's shoot arrows and warrior smash things, but most skills don't seem to be recurring except in name only.

Since Spears and Scythes are confirmed to be not present in GW2 yet, I'd say both Paragon and Dervish won't show you much. Warhorns may provide buffs similar to Paragon Shots though.|||Mesmer is all but confirmed (*wishful thinking*)

Guardian is in, though, which will likely satiate your Monk and Ritualist desires.|||Stop thinking "profession" and think "mechanisms". GW2 has an emphasis on position and movement. Clearly paragon won't teach you much about this, but dervish would be a lot better. Mesmer is good too if you cast and dodge rather than stay on one spot.

Also, agree with RDarken, although both necro and elementalist do heals/support in similar ways... see the guardian vs necro vs elementalist (started by me) for more info.|||Quote:

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Mesmer is all but confirmed (*wishful thinking*)

Guardian is in, though, which will likely satiate your Monk and Ritualist desires.

Same wishes here re. the Mesmer,

But re. the 'Guardian', how does that mirror the Rit? Splinter weaps etc? I'm intrigued...

Hmmm - I may create a Factions Warr/Rit now

But I'm surprised that there's no feeling re Paragons or Dervishes continuing in GW2. Though they always seemed like afterthought professions, I'd have thought the devs would have wanted to keep some aspects going?|||Guardian mirrors the smiting and protecting monk, the paragon, and the rit. See the list of Guardian Skills on the GW2 wiki.

You can see a number of skills with the same name (though somewhat altered function) as GW1 smiting skills (Symbol of Wrath, Ray of Judgement) and protting skills (Shield of Absorption). There are also a handful of paragon shouts ("Stand Your Ground!") and ally-buffing abilities much like paragons exercise. This is why people refer to the guardian as a "monkagon".

On the rit side, the guardian has the ability to summon weapons that attack at his side, similar to the rit spirit summons, and other skills similar to GW1 rit abilities (Shelter).|||Really, guardian is a blend of stuff that came from professions that won't make the sequel.

Guardian is about as protection-based as there is. And like the rit, he's pretty flexible. Rit can summon (guardian sort-of can), rit can melee, and rit can heal (guardian can prot and some heals too). Guardian also has virtues which are kinda like paragon shouts.

My point is that aside from guardian having a stronger focus on melee, he's the closest (with necro) we have to the rit's functionality at the moment. Engineer could change that if they release it, and if it includes support functions.|||Paragon is making somewhat of a return in the form of Warrior, too: GW2 Warriors have some shouts, some of which will bolster allies.

Frankly, Paragon is one of my favorite classes, after Mesmer - I just love the Shouts to Buff aspect. It's why the only character other than my Warden that I play in LotRO is Captain. That said, I can see why they didn't bring it back for GW2 and it looks like that part of my personality will be satisfied by some of the other professions.

You should check out the thread Alaris started, as he mentioned. Lots of info there.|||http://guildwars.incgamers.com/forum...d.php?t=497409

The famous thread... which I started because of similar questions I was asking myself (and likely still will until release).|||If you really want to prepare for GW2, play a game where your character moves through WASD and which has similar combat to GW2.

I don't really know of a game which fits this, AoC comes close but it's P2P, you need a good PC to play it and it's very time consuming. WoW has WASD movement but the rest of the combat is too different, maybe Rift comes close, I haven't played that myself.

Otherwise, just practice combat awareness, meaning playing without staring at health or skillbars but looking at what's happening around your character. Also, don't try WASD movement in GW1, it sucks.

Individual skills don't really matter, if you get used to looking at what's going on in the fight it's easy to read some skill descriptions and get used to a new set of skills. The major difference is going to be in the game mechanics.

For profession, I'd suggest something that forces you to look around, water ele is a good example since you have to snare enemies, ranger is also good. Monk can work but it's harder than offensive support roles (for me atleast)

