
Sixth anniversary update discussion / possible info

[:1]Happy 6th anniversary guys!

Found this bit of info while reading around for what might be included in the anniversary build and thought it might be worth some discussion.


Today, 28th April marks the 6th anniversary of Guild Wars�, and NCsoft� and ArenaNet� would like invite you to come celebrate the occasion with an all-weekend party in Shing Jea Monastery. Beginning today and running through May 6, players can celebrate the weekend away with games, contests, races and more!

The anniversary festivities continue as NCsoft and ArenaNet treat new, existing and returning players alike to six weeks of special anniversary sales and exciting contests through Facebook and the Guild Wars website.

Beginning 28th April and running through 9th June, Guild Wars fans can find weekly sales on such items as costume packs, character slots, mission packs and more, all reduced up to 50 percent in the NCsoft Store. Sales are updated every Thursday at noon Pacific each week during the six week sale celebration.

In addition, NCsoft and ArenaNet will also be releasing a special Anniversary Update that brings players both additional content as well as the exciting introduction of Flux. Players may remember the ill-conceived actions of the Lunatic Court as they tried to free the Mad King during Halloween. While these events have long passed, the after-effect of this plot has caused instability to seep into the land causing fluctuations. This Flux will come and go monthly and cause alterations to PvP that will encourage players to alter their playing style in order to take advantage of the current Flux.

Other features of the Anniversary Update include:

High Resolution Textures in Town � Added option to use hi-res textures while in outposts

Hard Mode Quests � Designed to challenge even the most experienced players

Mutual Friends List � Displays the current location of your mutual friends through the Friends List

Birthday Tonics � With over 30 new ones in total, all six-year birthday characters will receive a tonic!

Visit the Official ArenaNet Blog and www.guildwars.com today for more details and updates about the Guild Wars 6 Year Anniversary.


The Flux sounds interesting, but im wondering if it's a PvP only part of the update, or if the Flux is PvE centric, but causes changes in PvP as well, sorta like a reverse of how PvP used to effect which regions had Favor of the gods way back when.

And Hard mode quests sound cool too

Wasnt sure about the info since there was no link to a press release, but another site also has a similar page, but mentions nothing about the HM quests or high rez textures, so i'll take it as accurate for now.


So yeah, happy 6th Anniversary guys!

- Tsukasa|||Interesting indeed. The high-res textures thing sounds like a nice addition.|||Flux sounds like expanding the Codex Arena rule onto all of PvP - where the use of certain skills would be prohibited for a month?

I hope that the Mutual Friends List has a toggle option.|||Flux might be something entirely new, like environmental effects.|||I wonder if the Birthday Tonics are in addition of minis or a replacement. If the second, it's possible the price of the other minis is going to go up again.

The other changes seem pretty cool though.|||I need 6 minipets but seeing that my account isn't even 5yo, I'm not worried.

Hard mode quests sounds fun. As for sales, I already got everything I wanted. Maybe they can make a sale on obsidians? |||Quote:

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Flux might be something entirely new, like environmental effects.

Holy **** snacks!

This is one of those insane ideas that simply can not work with the way GW plays, but I can see A.Net being dumb enough to actually include it.

One month all physicals damage is reduced by 20%, next month all enchantments expire 20% faster, ...

|||Admittedly, there's plenty of ways that flux could be terrible. In a bad way.|||Super excited about high res textures.

Kinda scared about mutual friend list (awesome, but who have me friended, and who does not?)

Looking forward to Hard Mode quests.

Dont know what to make of "Flux" yet, since I have no idea what it is..|||i just hope "do not disturb" and "offline mode" makes you invisible.

