
The GLRating Game!

[:1]A fun little game in which you can see how great a GL you have in your guild!

Here are the rules:

* Answer each question most truthfully with the option that maches your situation best. Only one answer pr question.

* Add up your points (some answers max give more or less points, some give negative points)

* If more than one option applies, choose the option that gives the highest points!

* You can post once for each account you have, if they are in different guilds.

* Post your points in a response, if you want any other options or questions added then let me know.

* Writing the name of your guild in your response is optional, but is a good way to let your GL know you care!

* Each response with a guild name adds +1 point to that guild plus whatever points your final score is!

* Your Guild's score is its total amount of points divided by the total amount of entries for that guild.

* If you are the GL of your guild, you are only allowed to post entries for accounts in other guilds (multiple accounts).

* The guild that gets the most (but not nessesarily best) ratings wins a prize! The prize will be monetary and will be payed to every poster rating that guild! You'll be rich!

So here are the questions:

Without looking at the Guild rooster, what is the name of your GL?

* What GL? / What is a GL? 0 points

* Im gonna guess...cheescake? No? Drat i thought i had it. 0 points

* Correct alias / part of name. +1 point

* Correct forum name. Wait, this isnt GW? +2 point

* Correct full name. +3 point

When was the last time you spoke/chatted with your GL in game?

* When i ask him somethign i dont get a response, i guess he's usually busy. -2 points

* I said thank you / hello when i got the invite, i think, but thats about it. -1 point

* We dont talk online but i read his forum posts sometimes. 0 points

* I dont like talking to people, people are scary. 0 points

* Well there was that one time about that thing...+1 point

* We talk once a week +3 points

* We talk every day +5 points

When was the last time your GL was online?

* I dont know i would have to log on to check that, wait what is my password again? 0 points

* I dont know, last time i looked it was over a month ago. But meh, who cares? -5 points

* More than x months ago (-5 points pr. mounth)

* More than x weeks ago (-1 point pr. week)

* Sometime this week 1 point

* My GL is online x days of the week every week (+1 point pr day)

When was the last time you played together with your GL and what did you do?

* I can't play with someone that isnt online -4 points

* My GL dont play unless grinding titles for GW2 alone -3 points

* When i ask my GL to play he/she's usually busy -2 point

* I dont play with my GL because of timezones or other such stuff. 0 points

* I dont play with people, heroes/hench is enough for me, why cant you have 11 heroes yet!! 0 points

* I dont play with my GL because i dont like him/her, SHUUN THE NON-BELIEVER! SHUUUN! 0 points

* My GL helped me that one time back when... wait what year is this? 2011!!! +1 point

* My GL sometimes asks me to play with him, i say no every time, im just casual like that. +1 point

* We last played together earlier this week when he helped me with some stuff i needed. +3 points

* We played together earlier this week with elite content (Elite Mission, Fow/UW, Dungeon, DOA). +4 points

* We play together every day im online. +5 points

What was the last guild activity your GL arranged (pre-arranged guild/alliance members only, primarily guild members)?

* Wait what? Guild Activity? What is that? -4 points

* My GL doesnt arrange guild activities, but he apreciates it when others does -2 points

* Well there was that one time, last year i think, oh yea it was the guilds birthday, or was it haloween? +1 point

* x mounths (-1 point pr month) ago we did GvG +5 points

* x weeks (-1 point pr week) ago we did Elite content +5 points

* My GL arrange weekly normal content runs for the guild +3 points

* We have more than 1 day a week scheduled by my GL for specific PvE content (+2 points pr day)

* We do GvG/HA once a week at least +5 points

The minimum of points attainable is -20 and the maximum points attainable is 34.

And here are the current guild scores (More guilds will be added as entries come in):

BaR -5 points, 1 entry (my own)

Dii 12 points, 1 entry|||Let me guess, you disagree about your guild's choice of leader.

Anyway my guild got 8 points.|||Why does the leader position even matter? Any guild I've ever been in, the gl was just the person that happened to create the guild, with the other core gvg members being officers. There was no need to create things to do, because we knew, we'd be on at 9 and if we had enough to form a group, we'd go. But in a pve guild where you have such lovely forums as these, couldn't anyone in the guild create activities for you to do?|||Quote:

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Why does the leader position even matter? Any guild I've ever been in, the gl was just the person that happened to create the guild, with the other core gvg members being officers. There was no need to create things to do, because we knew, we'd be on at 9 and if we had enough to form a group, we'd go. But in a pve guild where you have such lovely forums as these, couldn't anyone in the guild create activities for you to do?


The only thing a guild leader can do what no other member can, is demoting an officer. (not counting forming a guild/alliance or joining an alliance).

And if you really have so much trouble with your guild leader, why not search for a new one?|||Quote:

Why does the leader position even matter? Any guild I've ever been in, the gl was just the person that happened to create the guild, with the other core gvg members being officers. There was no need to create things to do, because we knew, we'd be on at 9 and if we had enough to form a group, we'd go. But in a pve guild where you have such lovely forums as these, couldn't anyone in the guild create activities for you to do?

That is a GREAT question, but when i asked it in another thread that thread got deleted and the re-post got removed so id be happy to discuss it but im afraid it will be moved / deleted by the mods.

My answer is that if it doesnt matter then why not have those that take initiative be the leaders? If it doesnt matter who is GL then why not have the active people be GL's and officers? And if its merely a matter of who created the guild and noone cares who is GL or what he/she does, then why not just promote the ORIGINAL guild creator to GL if that person is even in the guild anymore (could also jsut be the member who has been in the guild the longest).

But yea, if censorship is needed please remove/edit just this one post and not the rest.|||MROW got a lot of points, because I am the GL of my guild, and because I at the moment talk with myself every day to recover the voice after my surgeries. Doh.

It took me a while to figure out what you meant with "GL" though.|||Hm.. Why would the only reason for not teaming up with the GL be if the GL is not able, or I only play H/H? Cant I play with other people? And many guilds have specific "activity" officers, so there may be guild activities even though the GL as such is not the one arranging them. And so and so forth.

Anyways, using the questions as stated, our GL score an 11. I think that is good for a casual guild such as Dii.

Regarding the discussion above, "GL" means different things for different guilds. But, the GL does have some unique powers that are the same for all guilds. So, at the core, more important than activity is the ability to use those powers wisely. I.e. promoting/demoting officers, joining/leaving alliances, changing GH, and disbanding the guild. The GL is also, generally, the public face on the guild. This means that, again generally, having someone diplomatic as GL is probably a good idea. I would also say that a good GL is someone who supports initiatives in the guild, not someone who does everything themselves.|||Hi Lensor, modified one option to be broader (i.e. not playing with your GL for whatever reasons) as for teh activity question that was based purely on GL because its the GL Rating thread, and not the Guild rating thread. One could have a thriving guild with a GL that hasnt been online for a year or more, it would score horribly on this test and great on a test designed for testing guilds, which might indicate that a new GL would be in order.|||But if a GL has set up a system with a dedicated "activity team", and supports that team with resources etc, that is, to me, a GOOD GL. Not a bad one, just because (s)he does not make those activities.|||I don't know what I'd rate ours, as it depends on if talking to him on the forums counts or not. And speaking of which, I haven't talked to him yet today, so:


Don't worry, he prowls the forums just as much as I do, if not more. He'll see it.

Gotta get those +5 points, after all.

