
Guild Wars "Unused" Video Series.

[:1]As a community we should start a video series on those "unused" skills in the game. Both elite and non elite can be tested. Some people would recommend an unused skill, and others will post a video showing how to use it. The point of this video series is to test these skills to see if they are as bad as people say. I wonder how high is the interest is for this video series?

I made one for Ravenous Gaze.


Ravenous Gaze


-HUGH AoE effect area. Very easy to hit multiple mobs with it.

-Only cost 1 energy.

-Works well with the 3 necro heroes to form a 4 men RG nuke team; Allowing everyone to use 3 RGs at once.


-Very long skill recharge at 10 seconds.

-Very weak single hit damage. Must have at least 16 in blood magic to deal any decent damage.

-Searing Flames has better dps and burning.

-Lack of any secondary effect or hex.

-When used with Arcane Echo and Mimicry its very easy to interrupt. Both cast in 2 seconds.


-Grade: C. I no longer see this as the worst elite in the game. However it is still pretty bad.

-Weak single hit damage AND long skill recharge doesn't go well together.

-That said, the energy cost is almost free.

-Pretty decent with skill recharge or skill duplication skills

-Without the above (or when they fail) RG is VERY WEAK by itself.

-"Wasting" skill slots to improve the skill recharge of RG.|||ok, ill bite.

try a blood build without any sacrifice skills and no mesmer as secondary|||I'll try and list some skills that could atleast be fun to use:


needs either a huge adrenaline/energy management to work or a build that needs neither.

-Quivering Blade

dazed seems alright, also nice +dmg for 5 adren.

-Skull Crack

fun interrupt, and daze.

-Soldier's Stance

-Symbolic Strike

this could be a lot of fun to use

Expert's Dexterity

ranger turret gogogo


combine with e-denial for win

Air of Enchantment

turn someone into a moving AoE damage spam combined with zealot's fire

Arc Lightning

Chilling Winds


Earthen Shackles

Iron Mist

Ether Prodigy

Master of Magic


Teinai's Prison

Elementalist skills seem to have the most interesting synergies, and seem like the most fun to use. I can't make any videos myself atm, but I can come up with builds using these skills.|||Quote:

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ok, ill bite.

try a blood build without any sacrifice skills and no mesmer as secondary

This isn't a video series about builds. This is a video series about finding a use for those "unused" skills. |||decap/signet build:

Symbolic Strike


Hex Eater Signet

Signet of Clumsiness

Signet of Distraction

Healing Signet

Signet of Disenchantment

Rez signet|||There's a famous "air of enchantment" build used in Fort Aspenwood to make it almost impossible to kill gate NPCs, hence effectively making it super hard for Luxons to advance. There's plenty of good counters, but if they don't bring the right counters, it's gg. The build has lots of prots enchants as well as patient spirit. It would be a pretty good build to use on a dedicated tank.

Master of magic could be used to use all those weird skills that straddle several elements.|||Rings, you need to run quad air eles with echo iron mist in AB. That is ****ing brilliant fun, and it pisses people off like nothing else.

Quad FC water trident is a close second, but yeah.

If I could get around to do some AB with people I know some time I could possibly record it. But I'll have to download fraps or something first on this computer.|||Quote:

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This isn't a video series about builds. This is a video series about finding a use for those "unused" skills.

that's the beauty of it, most blood skills are "unused".

there are some popular ones but plenty of barely to never used skills|||Iron Mist

When I think of Iron Mist I think of Spirit Rift. These 2 skills should work well together. After some testing they indeed do since the enemy have a much harder time running away. But the enemy can still escape if they want to.



-Great snare at 90%

-Last pretty long

-Does not require any "condition" for the snare. (e.g. on fire)

-Great against hard hitting melee mobs in HM.

-Great against hard hitting melee guys in PvP, when you want to focus on the enemy mages first.

-Works best if you treat this as a "snare and ignore" skill. That means don't bother trying to kill the guy with Iron Mist until the end.


-Works horrible in "snare and kill" situations, without the right team setup.

-Enemy become immune to all damage except lightning and life stealing. This is huge.

-The team might hit some enemy for zero damage and get all confused.

-The enemy can still escape Spirit Rift with only 10% movement speed.

-Not maintainable, with a skill recharge of 30 seconds.

-Earth magic is not a popular choice.

-Only snare against ONE target.

-Other snares available where you can still deal full damage against the target.

Verdict: C. Best skill in the game for JUST the purpose of snaring. To sum it up, great for "snare and ignore", horrible for "snare and kill". Given grade C b/c it does its job but has lots of draw backs.

-Need the whole team, not just you, to build around this skill for it to work great.

-At the very least, team members need to be informed that you are bringing this skill. This will avoid confusion. However for PuGs this probably means instant kick.

-Will work pretty well with the right team setup (e.g. everyone is using lightning damage).

-Useful in PvP. However like all snaring skills will have minimum use in PvE.

-Don't remember the last time I seen an elementalist with earth magic in PvE.|||Totally off-topic... but Chips, what software do you use to record the videos?

