
Dervish Labratory - Article and Testing

[:1]Update: New info will be edited into the second post as I get it and more testing is done


This thread might get moved later, but I wanted to touch on some of what the new Dervish has to offer.

It's particularly interesting to me because I never really play Dervish so almost everything is fresh with almost no previous info to look at

Like any big update I wanted to break it down any look for the following:

● Dead Skills

● Good Skills

● Combo Pieces / Mechanics

● Top Elite Skills

Usually you'd run the reverse when making a strong build, but since the update is so big we need to take our time before putting anything together together.

After a quick look over of the skills I'd probably steer clear of these:

Banishing Strike is a melee attack that functions like a spell. . . You need to "hit" your target or it fails, but it doesn't trigger any on hit mechanics (like adrenaline gain) so what might of been a cool hybrid ability instead brings the worst of both worlds to the table.

Another example might be Radiant Scythe. . . The low damage cap is really questionable (I don't think anyone would be afraid of an elementalist charging at them with a scythe) but what is really depressing is that the energy gain triggers after the damage is dealt making it actually useless in a build that would need it as E-management:

Any of the above could still redeem themselves given the right build, but why don't we move on to some proven skills:

Most of the scythe skills are still lack luster, but twin moon (even with the toned down PvP version) still gets the nod with Mystic Sweep being a close second for raw power.

Some are unchanged like imbue health, but there are also some stand-alone contenders from the list of skills that got reworked. Balthazar's Rage and Attacker's Insight can catch a lot of people off guard.

If you haven't tried it yet, Ebon Dust Aura bonus damage adds up fast. If you don't need to maintain the blind it runs just like any other 5E flash skill on a 10 second rotation with a free removal of the #1 Dervish counter (easily making it my top spot for best stand-alone skill)

I could keep going, but many of the above can be made even better with additional skills so for a bit I want to discuss some of the new combo skills and Dervish mechanics:

Obviously the rework to Avatars and the Mysticism mechanic are the biggest news, but I want to shed light on some cool stuff that I found while testing.

Like how Grenth's Fingers will still remove 1-3 conditions even though no foe is near you or how it lets you run conjure frost even if you have another ability that says "You deal X Damage Type"

Want to add 100 damage for no casting time? Slap on Heart of Holy Flame before a finishing move (or even better; take advantage of it's long duration and remove one just to activate it again and keep the burning going for twice as long)

Probably the biggest game changer though will be Signet of Mystic Speed which gives a series of enchantments flash which could translate into some very nasty combos. (Flame Djinn's Haste or Kinetic Armor being an early pick, but who knows what people will come up with) The only thing holding you back is that you have to target yourself so you can't insta-cast Vengeance all day long yet


I was also going to go into Elite Skills that would demand their own build, but to save time, since this is already getting very long, I'm going to just push into the second section where I go over testing I did for a build. . .

Now I ran a number of builds yesterday, but I want to highlight one that I spent a little more time on and built from the ground up:

I call it Grenth DPS and no surprises. . . it uses Grenth's Avatar as the elite skill

It didn't start off with this; however, first I wanted to find skills that got the highest damage output and then find synergy thereafter. . .

Just auto attacking with a scythe you can dish out about 30-34 DPS with 16 Scythe depending on what weapon mods you use so from there I tested a bunch of skills by themselves (and the winner goes to. . . . . . . )

. . . lol what?

Yep, I'm afraid so. . . the best DPS attack skill from my testing is Protector's Strike (followed by Mystic Sweep)

I went /W and the obvious next step was to add in some IAS (Heart of Fury) and picked out a good elite skill to synergize with what I had so far:

It was very tempting at this point to just go with Ebon Dust Aura, but down the road I felt that the combos I could pull off by going mysticism would pay off down the road.

I also knew from earlier testing that Heart of Holy Flame and Twin Moon both got results so now I was just looking for those last 2 or 3 plug-ins

I toyed around with more adrenaline skills and defensive auras but nothing seemed to really add to what the build was already doing (not to mention I was almost completely capped on energy)

That's when I plugged in Zealous Renewal and with good timing had enough energy for the slower recharging Zealous Sweep:

Template: OgGikys8YUE3M3x9495CfFAA

And the Results:

And the Spoils:

Note: If you've done some of your own testing, have a helpful suggestion, or have a comment/question feel free to share. . .

-|||--- Additional Info ---

● The build generates around 18 Health Per Second after you minus the weapon degen (Putting the build right around 98DPS/18HPS)

● Wearying Strike isn't better than Twin Moon and the build only has enough enchantments to support one teardown skill if you are gaining more adrenaline than usual from hitting multiple targets (Best bet right now is to have a different teammate inflict the Deep Wound)

● Taking an interrupt over Mystic Sweep will lower your DPS around 8-10 and HPS around 1-2 so be aware and make those hits worth the reduction

● There is no lengthen Daze Duration mod for a Scythe for those who want to combo it with Test of Faith

● Lyssa's Aura doesn't stack with Avatar of Lyssa due to the 50% hardcap

● Finally done testing for the defensive hybrid: (15S / 9W / 12M)

Template Code: OgGkUNprKyujRRc7tH3j3nL8N/C

-|||Interesting, I tried roughly the same build only with some wind prayers, grenth's aura and mystic sweep instead of protstrike, but it was pretty quickly thrown together to try then new derv. This looks better since you get to focus on 2 attributes, though I'm not a fan of zealous renewal, I haven't checked all the reworked skills yet for a good alternative.|||Heres somethign id imagine would be a good setup:


12 myst

14 Wind

9 scythe

Ressurection Signet

Avatar of grenth

Grenths Aura

Whirling charge

Pious Fury

Wearying Strike

Distracting Blow

Twin Moon Sweep

With the current attributes all attacks will steal 41 health. This will pretty much take up all your damage so instead of dealing damage you'll be stealing health, making you immune to weakness (besides -1 attribute) and resistant to empathy and insideaous, while bypassing all armor bonusses.

Whirling charge is a fast recharging flash enchant giving you a quick speed boost and some damage when you tear it with wearying strike for a life steal DW cold dmg combo with disease to cover the DW, or when tearing it with twin moon for a big lifesteal/health gain spike.

Pious fury adds up perfectly with Grenths Aura both having 10 sec recharge so basically you tear it down as soon as it has recharged and you'll have a permanent 25% attack speed boost.

Twin moon serves both as double lifesteal/cold dmg spike and a big heal when tearing down whirling charge.

Distracting Blow has its downside (no dmg) negated by the fact that all damage is lifesteal and allows for interrupt and spike compression.

Twin Moon teardown of Whirling, activation time 1.12sec:

41x2 lifesteal+57 dmg + leftover scythe dmg (possibly 0) = 139 dmgunblockable spike

41x2+16+22 = 120hp health gain

and disease from Avatar

Wearying Teardown of Whirling->Distracting Blow activation time 1.5 sec:

41x2 +57 = 139 dmg + DW covered with disease

Interrupt from Distracting Blow|||The dervish sub forum needs more love :(

Anyway, I can see why you'd call it Grenth DPS, Grenth form is good for that, I must say. Pity there doesn't seem to be room for Grenth's Aura, wouldn't be more damage sure, but it helps with survival. Not that it seems you need to worry about it.

I take it from that picture you're using a vampiric mod and I'm going to guess with your health being at 525 that you're using an enchanting mod with it? Unless you're using a sup rune in which case you might be using a +30 mod, but then your health would be a multiple of 10 so... minor runes + vampiric scythe of enchanting?

In reply to Aoi, the only thing I have an issue with on lyssa's assault is the recharge, thanks for pointing out it's combo with grenth's aura though, I wonder... when using grenth's aura and skills that say they don't deal damage (but instead interrupt or something else) would those also deal life stealing? Hmmm. Edit: found what I was thinking of, Distracting Strike, which I think is better than lyssa's assault, except that you'd need to go /W. It also does 0 damage instead of no damage so is definitely going to apply lifesteal. Cracked armor shouldn't be hard to apply either as there is an option in mysticism and wind prayers.|||Good point about dist strike, but it has same recharge as lyssas assult, distracting blow however has 10 sec recharge and is a better substitution. Distracting blow also attacks all adjent targets makign it potentially powerful in PvE where many targets will get interrupted and life stealed from.|||Yes, I'm just not so sure that distracting blow will get the life steal as it gets literally no damage (as in, no yellow number whatsoever). I don't think that life steal is applied when no attack actually takes place, had hoped that wiki would say on nightmare weapon's page or in it's talk page. Going to test it out though to make certain. (yay for having every skill in the game on my derv)

EDIT: Apparently it does still apply the life steal, yeah blow is better in that case.|||I've been running a build with Vow of Piety and I have to say, it gets clumsy to work with.

It's basically an enchant you do not want to remove or get stripped and has a pretty long recharge, but every time an enchant ends, it gets popped off the stack and put right on top. This can cause some issues if you time your skills badly, but it's basically unworkable in a build with a Prot Monk or any other short term enchant. In fact, even enchant removal can screw you over. Doesn't matter how many cover enchants you have, a bad RoF or Shatter Enchant means you'll likely strip it yourself instead of the Flash Enchant you just put up and wanted stripped.|||Quote:

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I've been running a build with Vow of Piety and I have to say, it gets clumsy to work with.

It's basically an enchant you do not want to remove or get stripped and has a pretty long recharge, but every time an enchant ends, it gets popped off the stack and put right on top. This can cause some issues if you time your skills badly, but it's basically unworkable in a build with a Prot Monk or any other short term enchant. In fact, even enchant removal can screw you over. Doesn't matter how many cover enchants you have, a bad RoF or Shatter Enchant means you'll likely strip it yourself instead of the Flash Enchant you just put up and wanted stripped.

I like vow of piety, it isn't for every build, but if you just have one tear down skill that you use right after putting a flash enchant up you don't have to worry about stripping it. Also, I know enemies can strip it, but it's better they strip it than a monk enchant, or something like onslaught. Yeah, if you run into the fight right after casting it and are immediately stripped of it, you're basically out a skill slot for that fight... but that's why you cast a flash enchant first. After going one fight with it on, you'll be able to recast it if it's stripped.|||Just a note: Lyssa's Assault does 50% damage and scales a disable based on a condition you control easier. With the same 5/0.5/15 slash line as Distracting Strike, well, I think Lyssa's Assault is strictly better. However, Distracting Blow at 10 s recharge is a consideration, though it doesn't do any damage (how does it synergize with Grenth, etc?)


Distracting blow also attacks all adjent targets makign it potentially powerful in PvE where many targets will get interrupted and life stealed from.

Dblow has the exact same AoE as a scythe.

